Tuesday, June 26, 2012

New Gear - Sleeping Pad

I have used the Thermarest Prolite Plus - Regular for a couple of seasons now,  absolutely nothing wrong with the sleeping pad but my youngest son totally destroyed his on canoe trip last year,  instead of buying him a new one, I gave him mine and went out shopping for a new one for me. 

This year Thermarest came out with a couple of new versions for the NeoAir series,   they were really pricy last year and I had heard mixed reviews on durability,  reviews for the new models seem good so decided to give it a try,  I went with a Large NeoAir Treker.   Gives a little more room on the width and the length and isn't tapered like the Prolite Plus, I found my legs always fell off during the night and was a pain (but can live with) and also it's over 2" thick and makes a difference in comfort. I liked the Treker over the standard NeoAir for a few reasons, but more important is the standard feels like chip bag and makes the same noise when you move around,  the material is more "plasticky" and just didn't like the feel. 

NeoAir packs up small, about the size of a 1 litre bottle and way smaller than the Prolites, I like smaller.  The only thing I don't like about the NeoLite Trekker is that it is manually inflated vs auto inflate which comes with the other Thermarest versions,  cuts down on bulk so I'm fine with it,  do miss the auto inflate though. 

Haven't been camping yet to try it out but did setup in my living room and spent the night on it over hardwood floor, VERY comfortable,  will let you know how it stacks up on trip in a couple of weeks but my intial impression is very good and happy wiht the purchase.

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